How COVID-19 Heightened Socio Economic Inequality In Nigeria : Politics,Economy And The People.


Nifemi Orimabuyaku

Coronavirus disease fondly called COVID-19, has different origins and myths attached with it, but one sure thing we all know about the coronavirus disease is that, it is a communicable respiratory disease caused by a new strain of coronavirus that causes illness in humans, which was first reported in China, and in turn spread throughout the world.

Inequality on the other hand is social disparity, lack of evenness, an unfair situation in which some people have more rights than others or better than some people.

So, how possible can a disease affect inequality in a nation?

COVID-19 came with a lot of baggage and one of it is inequality. Inequality isn’t a new thing in the society most especially in a nation like ours, Nigeria. It has dwelt with us so much that a lot of us have learnt to live with it. With the discovery of COVID-19, inequality has increased tremendously in the society.

Politically, the nation has been experiencing inequality since time immemorial, the definition of democracy as the government of the people, for the people and by the people has no reality in the nation, rather it’s just gainsay. 

But the advent of COVID-19 stretched this cause better. With the advent of the coronavirus disease, the nation had to look for a means of curbing the disease and preventing it from spreading further, a system referred to as knockdown was put in place, whereby economic activities, political, religious and academic activities were all put on hold.

So,during the lock down ,political activities weren’t in operation until recently when rallies and a few things started and this really gave our political leaders an edge.Obviously ,it is what is in operation i.e working actively, that people can condemn. So the political tycoons had a good time planning what could be referred to as a "comeback "to the masses. 

In a nutshell, there weren’t too many political activities going on for the masses but a lot of re-strategizing, planning was going on with the political elites which distinctly points out our thriving inequality as a nation.

The economic part cannot be left unsaid, because economy is a vital part of the society that cannot be left out. With the advent of COVID-19, inequality no longer strive to reside in our economy, rather it dwells there.

A lot of business were dented during the lockdown, for example persons who get their daily meals from selling goods through the hustling and bustling of traffics could no longer work. Those who worked as teachers had to stay at home, drivers and a large part of the society had to go back to the uneasy comfort of their homes.

Let’s take a look at the materials used in preventing the disease such as the nose mask, sanitizers, face shield and all. In these little materials, inequality could be vividly seen.

 When you see a person’s COVID-19 outfit, you can easily tell what class he or she belongs to in the society, when a poor person might be using a nose mask made out of an Africa brand known as Ankara, the well to do made use of top notch nose masks or the medical nose mask, which is meant to be discarded after every contact.

Hunger became a part of the society, poverty on the other side increased greatly which led to a lot of unruly behaviour in some environments. Some government personnel came out saying “every citizen of Nigeria had palliatives given to them”. 

This is extra ordinarily shocking because 5% of Nigerians cannot boldly say that COVID-19 palliatives were given to them.

Until recently, when Nigerians found out that palliatives were given to the government by benevolent companies ,well to do personalties,and industries at every level of government and the government which has no regard for her citizens and knows very well that if she is accountable or not, no one dares says a that the government kept these palliatives to themselves and hunger increasingly increased in the society. 

This further deepens our inequality in the nation. 

The academic part is astonishing as notable schools and institutions were able to organize online classes, tutorials, seminars and other means . And the so called government institution, schools remained on stand still. The students were left unattended to, whereas the children of the political bigwigs and leaders wouldn’t be found in these institutions rather the notable schools and institutions I mentioned earlier.

The people on the other hand, helpless and without a voice remain in their unequal state, struggling in their little way to make things better, coping with a disease that has more political touch than a reality in the nation.

COVID-19 came with developments and innovations . People learning to work from their homes and many more but it also came with a lot of disadvantages which inequality is part of it. 

The pandemic however has actually made people to understand that citizens can be lucked down like how it happens to the whole world. It came like a joke and spread to every part of the world. 

Unlike Ebola which was fought headlong without much panic but corona pandemic almost defied solution. 

Government although fights this pandemic the way it ought through various medical approaches but it is gradually fiscling out drastically. At least, the rate of contraction among people has reduced to the bearest minimum which is a great achievement to both various governments and the citizens.


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    Keep up the good work ma, for the sky is only a limit for writers


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