Adebob @ 63: I’m a Special Candidate of God’s Grace – Celebrant

Below being the text of Mr. Femi Bobade (CEO/ MD ADEBOB COMMUNICATIONS)’s Birthday message.
In all things, I am a special candidate of God’s grace, favour and divine health, that I am alive today is not by my might or wisdom but by His merciful grace.

“So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom” Psalm 90: 12. The reflection of my life in the last sixty three years epitomizes struggles, challenges, toils, escapees and of recent triumphs. I came into the actual realities that one can’t please man, one can’t thrive for a Utopia society and in fact there is no perfect being. No constitution for this ephemeral life that can be likened to the tenets of Christ.

 I have a divine instruction to mark this my birthday with thanksgiving, dancing, songs of praise, prayer and fasting in my place of birth where I am right now. The reason is just to periscope the past and plan for the future. When I see the tombs of the great, avarice dies in me; I read the epitaph of the sages every ambition in me fades out, when I see the corpses of my great students activists that we both fought for the restoration of OND/HND instead of the localized NND in 1980- 1981, Late Comrade Ade Lawrence from Oke- agbe and Late Comrade Sola Olawale from Ikogosi, when I remember the weeping crowd that assembled to say good night to my very closed political associates, Late Barrister Bola Orire and Late Aare Bamisaye. I take solace in the fact that we are all born to die. I was humbled too in 2010 and 2016 respectively, I saw death in closed range. I thank God for giving me second chance to live, I thank Him for His mercy, grace and favour in my journey of life. Ibi e simi de, memope mole dee bee, o baba, Baba mo yin ee logo o (2ce).

 I thank God, my refuge and my fortress, my God, in him will I trust. I seek for forgiveness from all those I have offended and I forgive all those that have offended me so that God Almighty will consider me worthy of a faithful servant when the time comes. I key in into His words that I shall not die but live to proclaim His words.

            I was too young to join the Army during the Biafra war of the late sixties but my father fought in the Second World War. In view of the fact that God says we must live in peace, I believe in the oneness of this nation despite the ongoing menace of the Boko Haram. I appeal to our Politicians from both divides to be more careful in governance, they should reduce their avarice, lust for materials and inordinate ambition. If politics is a means of service, they should be considerate and run a government with human face. There is deceit in all facets including churches, some Pastors, Alfas, Imams and Babalawos that are not called parade every street doing magical gymnastics to deceive people to part with their money. Our judiciary is rotten, laws are made for the poor and our police is corrupt and are youth gold miners and bereft of innovations and creativities.

Deadly and wicked people will continue to govern until godly people are many in politics.  I subscribe to a re-structured Nigeria as postulated by a Februarian too, professor Faminoni of the University of Lagos, a decentralized federal government, and a review of the fiscal allocation, a drastic reduction in the salaries and remunerations of elected and appointed politicians, a reduction in our political parties to two or five in maximum with a stringent proviso of inability to decamp especially during election.
            In all, I pray for a better time in this country, with real human beings who have the fear of God to paddle our affairs. I wish to live and die in a united, prosperous, healthy and peaceful one Nigeria.” Life is too days, a day for you and a day against you, when it is for you, don’t be reckless and when it is against you be patient as both will expire”.
Femi Bobade,


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