Adebob @ 63: I’m a Special Candidate of God’s Grace – Celebrant
Below being the text of Mr. Femi Bobade (CEO/ MD ADEBOB COMMUNICATIONS)’s Birthday message. THANK YOU JESUS In all things, I am a special candidate of God’s grace, favour and divine health, that I am alive today is not by my might or wisdom but by His merciful grace. “So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom” Psalm 90: 12. The reflection of my life in the last sixty three years epitomizes struggles, challenges, toils, escapees and of recent triumphs. I came into the actual realities that one can’t please man, one can’t thrive for a Utopia society and in fact there is no perfect being. No constitution for this ephemeral life that can be likened to the tenets of Christ. I have a divine instruction to mark this my birthday with thanksgiving, dancing, songs of praise, prayer and fasting in my place of birth where I am right now. The reason is just to periscope the past and plan for the future. When I see the tombs of the great, ava...